Yesterday was Christmas number one, today is my friend's wedding and tomorrow I'm going home to Northern Ireland for Christmas number two with my family!
Yesterday I won the latest 'Nowhere Like Northern Ireland' group photography challenge on redbubble (a great community for all you artist types - worth checking out!) with my digital ttv style 'Over to Donegal' photograph.
I've nearly had my lovely EOS 400d for a year now, it is my favourite thing (as opposed to people and dogs!) and I've had a great time photographing this year at home, Norfolk, the Peak District, Florence (still excites me!), Wales and Cannock Chase.
So as he gets ready to do his yearly rounds I'd just like to say again, thanks Santa!!
Yesterday I had to give up an 'art' day to do an extra day's supply teaching; bills to pay ya-de-ya-de. The school was one I hadn't worked at before and I had a pretty good day there, very impressed with the organisation - I was given a supply pack on arrival with a map and outline of the school day and all the lessons were planned and ready to deliver! Made origami with a low ability group in a lesson on imperatives (fun!) and met a little girl's cat who was making a visit for the last lesson of the day - I really wanted to go to that lesson instead of teach yr 9!So today on my only day away from school this working week I went Christmas shopping for all my friends on this side of the Irish sea and opened up a new shop on folksy for my Art work: maintaining my redbubble name the shop is called Red Shed ArtThis evening I played around with designing a shop banner and am starting with a black and white square cropped kind of a look, I think I'm still under the influence of those frosty webs at the weekend!
There are postcards on order and I'm going to list some images available to buy as prints and I'm going to finish that ttv painting which is still leaning up against the wall upstairs and I'm going to break open the four new square canvases I got today and then I'll have a mini series of paintings for my new shop!
After a few days broiling in concerns of one sort and another I've been rescued by my man with a lovely weekend of romance and wintery bliss! A relaxed candlelit evening and the Andy Goldsworthy DVD was followed by a foggy photo shoot and a bit of striding on Cannock Chase this morning, so far this winter web image is my favourite.
Worries have been banished, I am a fortunate lady.
Hello,I am Laura Cameron, born and bred in lovely Northern Ireland, studied in beautiful Wales, spent a few years as an English teacher in England and now I am enjoying life as a self employed artist and jewellery designer maker and part time adult education tutor living in the beautiful Scottish borders.
My photography tends to reflect my love of being outside and my work is heavily influenced by my own sense of the places I'm drawn to again and again. Having been thoroughly consumed in teaching and the desire to be 'useful' I did not pick up a paint brush for years since my degree but now I've been challenged to reconsider what 'useful' is.
This blog is a record of my attempts to get back into painting and drawing, to learn new skills with my jewellery making, to explore the inspiration around me and see where it takes me.Thanks for stopping by!