Having enjoyed half term it's about time for a new to do list to keep me on track. So by March I want to have:
1. Finished the samples for the two Birthday commissions
2. Completed set up on Art Fire - I've started this evening but photos are taking an age to load!
3. Photographed and listed at least one more jewellery piece for jewellery. I'm not going to go on to a second shop page until I've got at least six more pieces.
4. Started second ttv painting
A picture of Florence to reward you for reading a boring list! Ahhh, Florence!
Pancakes today: Lent begins tomorrow.
If you are interested in going further than celebrating how good you are to give up chocolate, have a look at Tearfund's Carbon Fast which is 'a practial step towards a fairer world'.The list of daily actions provide you with practical steps which will reduce your energy consumption and challenge you to reflect on how we look after this world.
This week hosts my Dad's Birthday and as the low-cost airlines weren't so low cost, a wee trip home wasn't affordable this time, boo. So I thought I'd post a photograph for him which I took last May featuring my Dad, Mum and sister. The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed a bit of a gap between the figures and I must explain that this wasn't due to me shouting instructions through a loud hailer or a huff situation! The reason demands a closer look between my Mum and sister you might just spot a little black and white fellow named Shadow; my Dad is the king of tennis ball chucking and thus becomes the one and only focus of Shadow's attention here!
Not long until beach days - Happy Birthday Dad!
For the first time since setting up on folksy I have a full shop page and I'm feeling happy about it. That is all.
Today is the day I try using resin for the first time.
I am excited and indebted to Skinner Studio for a fantastic tutorial on how to get started - there was a recent thread on a folksy forum about using resin and I highly recommend Skinner Studio's blog. Last night, after school, I sealed some Japanese paper my sister brought me back from one of her many stints in Asia - she teaches English as a second language and left for China on Sunday, happy adventures lovely lady! I'm also going to try using some of the champagne coloured beads and something sparkly for my first set of samples, I've been asked to make two significant birthday gifts and, if I get the hang of resin, how cool would a personalised resin bangle be?!
Stumbled across a lady on flickr (she sells on etsy) who makes gorgeous resin jewellery and kept coming back to stare in admiration at this. Wow.

Like so many we've had plenty of snow which has been beautiful and given me loads of time away from school! There has been loads in the press about over reactions by the public and county councils however, I have to give it to our Head teacher: there was no safe way of keeping our school open as it is on a split site divided by a hill, lots of slopes and steps and a very steep main drive, not safe for over a thousand teenagers.
So, snow day it is! Was delighted to get the message this morning that, having re-opened yesterday, the school was closing again today! I've been using my extra time wisely and have an update on the ol' list:
1. Stocked my shop with at least 12 listings only got 11 but I ran out of daylight, hopefully tomorrow I'll get another piece photographed
2. Ordered some pmc ordered a host of basics to get me started from Art Clay Suppplies who have been great, they were out of stock of two items and phoned me to see if I wanted an alternative and as I was happy to wait a few days they included the large size resin at no extra cost, how lovely! I yipped joyfully at the arrival of the box and then felt the fear over the size of the pmc, a small amount still costs a lot and I can't afford to mess it up!
3. Registered my business name - depending on advice on Friday
After my meeting with the advisor last week I decided to trade under my own name in an effort to be more recognisable, as, at the start those who know me will look for me by name rather than the business name I was going to register. Much simpler and removes the need to register a business name so I have now filled in and sent off the self-employment forms.
4. Finished the 'heart' range I've started the range and perhaps "finishing" was never the right choice of word! I decided to put items together into sets so my planned full shop looks a little less than full as six items are only three listings. There are more heart designs ready to go and this might be an ongoing theme beyond February and 'Heart Month', have an idea for silver clay involving hearts if I ever pluck up the courage to open the packet!
5. Upload an image to redbubble Yet to do this - we went up to Cannock Chase and I have a load of snow photographs still to go through so should get something up before the end of the week. During the walk I spotted a robin posing on a branch and he let me step in to take a photo, just as I did he launched himself straight at me in a brave bid to move us off his patch!
I'll leave you with the new sets listed today:

It's the first of February so Happy Heart Month to you all!
Fret not I have not gone overly giddy due to anniversary celebrations (aaah!) or succumbed to St. Valentine early so there's no need to urgently contact those responsible for me with dire warnings of commercialised love stupor.
No, I am simply drawing your attention to the British Heart Foundation's National Heart Month with the hope that you may click on the link below, read some incredibly useful, life saving information and forward it on to those you care about. If your wallet hasn't been too crunched there are plenty of opportunities to join the campaign and donate to this fabulous organisation on their own website. During this week you will start to see some heart jewellery appearing in my folksy shop and £2.00 from each item sold from this range will go straight to the BHF.
Please look after your heart.