A few weeks ago Paula from Projeto Gallery in Silsden, West Yorkshire contacted me to ask if would I be interested in supplying her with some jewellery items. I was more than a little pleased and after exchanging a few emails with Paula I completed the items and sent them off last week. Check out the Flickr page for some excellent images of the gallery, complete with gallery dog and you might spot a few other Folksy sellers' work there!The image above shows the ten items I've sent and today I've been cracking on with some new bits for my shop and I'll let you know when they are listed!
Anybody else working hard promoting their work using Twitter, Facebook, Myspace?
Anybody else got more than one folksy shop using separate email addresses?
Anybody else tired of logging in here, then having to log out so you can log in there?
I've wanted a way to manage these accounts, to be able to keep an eye on what's going on without having to spend a long time online and I hope I've found a solution. My biggest problem was switching between my two email addresses, which use the same provider, so allow me to be logged in to only one at a time. It's only a few minutes but I've got other things to do!
After a bit of perusing I came across a blog post by Greg Nemer about Digsby, which is:
"multiprotocol IM client that lets you chat with all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one simple to manage buddy list.""an email notification tool that alerts you of new email and lets you perform actions such as 'Delete' or 'Report Spam' with just one click.""a social networking tool that alerts you of events like new messages and gives you a live Newsfeed of what your friends are up to."To appease my downloading paranoia I checked Digsby out and it appears to be safe, you can read more from their blog here.I've downloaded Digsby and so far so good. I don't think it is as handy as TweetDeck for Twitter users as there doesn't seem to be the option to split up activity into friends' tweets, replies and direct messages which I like. However, being able to see new emails in both accounts just by moving the mouse is so very handy!
Do you use anything similar to manage your accounts? Would love to hear from you if you do and if you try Digsby let me know how you find it!
It has been a busy week with all sorts of creative goings on, I've been sketching Florence, working on photographs of Florence (the obsession continues), finished and sent off a set of jewellery which I'll tell you about once I know it's arrived safely and in all the whirl I kept having to look out the window because the world is turning yellow. Chris Martin was right, who'd have thunk it!
R and I got back from Florence at the weekend after a fabulous trip feeling refreshed, revived and inspired, exactly the impact I was hoping for! We spent many a Saturday walking out in the Peak District early last year and, both not natural born midlanders, found ourselves longing for the sea and so we went! It was our first holiday away together and all very exciting. Soon, we got to chatting and musing and declared a mutual desire to go to Florence and so we did. All that within our first two months together!
Our first trip to Florence last year was amazing: we arrived late in the evening and walked to the river wide eyed and mesmerised by all we saw on the way. Every corner turned brought us something spectacular to see and I will never forget laying eyes on the Duomo for the first time. We were very fortunate to have an amazing view over the River Arno from our room at the lovely Hotel Balestri and the whole area felt like photographer's paradise!
The reason for bringing up last year's trip rather than bombarding you with photographs from last week (oh, they'll come don't you worry!) is that it wasn't just a great holiday but our time in Florence really did inspire huge changes in both our lives. Both R and I had been thinking and talking about leaving full time teaching for a variety of reasons but centrally to do what it is we love: create. Then, during a walk in the beautiful Boboli Gardens we enjoyed view after sweeping panoramic view and then noticed some steps up even further to a rose garden with yet greater views. It was on this terrace that I finally made my decision to leave teaching as I was bursting with ideas and inspiration; I even had a name, inspired by the view below and an entertaining conversation with R, Red Shed Art was born!
Clearly anything but a shed on closer inspection but without the 'big' lens it could have been one. So, now, a year on we've been back, have folders of photographs, a growing Italian vocabulary (grammar will have to wait!), sketchbooks filling with ideas and I've got a canvas and some sand to play with this afternoon.
Mille grazie Firenze!
We're just about ready to leave for Florence so I'll see you all soon for tales of lovely park wanders
some Brunelleschi
and stunning views a plenty!
Since joining Folksy I've found some inspirational people who have been very kind in advising me on many a question so today I just thought I'd say a quick thank you to them all!
So Thank You!
Alison of Ali Bali Jewellery who helped me out right at the begining with my shop's terms and conditions and has since answered my silver clay questions.
Laura of Lupin Handmade who, after setting up her own site answered my queries on using a Mr Site package.
Lauren of Lauren Ceramics pointed out some spelling errors on my blog, phew!
Marie from Angel Silver who advised me on setting up a second shop.
Lottie Lodge who sent me a spotify invite!
Jenny Flower Blue for free books!
Kate from Paperleaf Studios for all her help with my website queries yesterday and has now posted a great blog entry on the subject.
Becci of Fired Silver for including me in her pay it forward! I'll be posting my pay it forward soon so keep an eye out!
So thank you kindly each and every one of you, I've been a tiny child turning to anybody nearby and repeatedly asking why, how, what and I'm very grateful to you all!
I've just popped this jewellery order into the post for a young lady's Birthday - the mission was skulls (but girly ones!), bows, cherries and Manchester United. Let's hope she likes it! It bears striking resemblance to the first charm bracelet I ever made which was made for the Aunt of the Birthday girl who commissioned this piece, who wouldn't want to be as cool as Auntie Kath!?
I recall a postmodern cultures seminar revolving around a discussion on how terrorism wouldn't exist without the media . . . So have some good thoughts on the wonderful Northern Ireland today!
First up, the football. Well now we find ourselves winning four Internationals on the trot and, you might need to take a seat for this, we are top of our World Cup qualifying Group. What joy! Heard a few phone ins on the radio after the match on Wednesday and could still make out the Windsor Park masses doing the bouncey!
Well done to Mr Feeney and the boys in green!

Secondly, I have been perusing the wonders of Google Street View and, on a tip off from my brother, took R on a virtual tour of Belfast all the way to my Nana's house complete with Hamish the golden retriever!
Can you see him?!