My lovely sister came to stay for a few days which was fabulous. Lynne had to share a room with Molly cat and they got on very well. By tying a few lengths of wool onto the toy mouse Lynne encouraged Molly to polish her hiding in a box, behind a throw stalking tactics. Impressive.
A new person in the house meant new shoes to explore and the delight of discovering new laces. Even Rocket Dog is no match for Molly.
We had a lovely time pottering around, relaxing and visiting places. A jaunt up the road to Edinburgh was a must and we accidentally went on the day the Christmas lights were turned on. Beautiful and bizarre to watch a busy street of people stop walking and stare as a huge firework went off. It was the only one as it was too windy for the rest but that didn't detract from our festive joy.
Image from Lynne, ta! |
In the midst of perusing potential bridesmaid dresses I took Lynne over to have a look at the Church where R and I will be getting married next year.
Just before setting off for the airport we went to Haddington, I found the bead shop to stock up for a lesson, we had some lunch and were treated to a pipe band. This was so nearly December and I was with my sister so it was awful hard to resist the festive feeling!