As some of you may remember we are planning to move North and have now sold May Cottage! We're still awaiting the survey to be done but can now instruct our Scottish solicitor to go ahead and make an offer on the house we saw during half term, then there will be a survey and missives and hopefully we'll come out the other side of Christmas with a moving date. It's very exciting, although much more stressful for R as it's his house, so when I witter on about 'we' technically it's all down to him, poor man!

I am very much looking forward to living near the sea again but first there will be a break, time to relax with the family and start planning for 2010 which will bring the move, the return of my sister, a verified Artfire account, my website, further adventures in sea glass and semi precious stones, painting, actually showing people my painting again, photographing and lots more besides.
1 comment:
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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