My website is nearly ready for launch and will be live for your perusal early June, yesterday was a bit of a battle with transferring domain names which I'm still waiting to see if success is mine or not!
I've collected more sea glass and pottery, added to my colour co-ordinated, super organised pots of joy and made 25 pendants which will be included for sale on the website.
After somebody kindly thought of me and passed on the details of an Arts event happening in Berwick in August I am now signed up to run a jewellery making workshop, demonstrate and display my work. The event is being held at the Palace Green Pavilion with a view of raising money for its upkeep and restoration and to raise the local community and visitor's awareness both of local Arts and of the potential use of the Pavilion for community events. It sounds like a fantastic week and I'm really looking forward to being involved. This weekend I'm going to check out a local craft fair to see whether to see about getting a table next month and I think more exploring is in order as a reward for working hard!
Before tea one day last week we dandered up to the main road . . .
and down to the river which surprised us with herons, a deer, small green beetles and a sheer cliff the length of the opposite bank until the next river bend, stunning!
There will be more photos soon - my battery is charging!
Have a good weekend everybody!
1 comment:
Wow, you've been so busy. Can't wait to see the new website!
It sounds as if you're all settled into your new home now, and what an amazingly beautiful place it looks. Enjoy exploring!
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