The Crossing Borders Art Trail kicked off today and will be running this weekend (2nd - 4th September) and next weekend (9th - 11th September).
Download your Art Trail brochure here |
Two weekends – two routes - two countries!
Whether you are a previous visitor to the Crossing Borders Art Trail
or planning your first visit, you are sure to love early autumn in the Scottish Borders and North Northumberland. It’s a great time of year to enjoy our spectacular countryside, letting the art trail lead you over the rolling Cheviot Hills, through picturesque towns and villages. You can follow the River Tweed until you reach the dramatic castle-dotted coastline, with empty sandy beaches and the big North Sea! Leisurely visits to artist studios, spliced with stops for local fare at some of the charming tea rooms, restaurants and pubs along the way will offer you the perfect day out or three-day break.
We realise we are leading you literally across two countries and so – New for 2011 - we are splitting the Art Trail across two long weekends, offering more time and greater opportunities to visit the studios and workshops of the artist community that give this landscape its creative heart. A chance to see painters, potters, textile and glass artists at work, see wood turning and furniture being skillfully crafted – a chance to chat to artists and makers about their passion and products – and buy direct!
The trail is divided into two easily navigated areas and there’s something for everyone, even if you only have a half-day to spare. With over fifty artists waiting to welcome you, now is the time to start planning your route. Crossing Borders members look forward to opening their doors and showing you some unique and beautiful things!
Art Trail Press Release 2011