
Monday, 5 September 2011

Day 40 and 41

Two more last minute before sleep shots!  I really must get my photo groove on, otherwise it will be slippers and bed socks through the winter months! Attractive, ya?

A Laura Cameron and a Richard Johnson on the landing; taken en route from bathroom to bedroom late in the evening hence the dodgy lighting and focus, I was practically already asleep.  I am still ruminating on painting ideas and will get on and do.  This lack of Laura painting is getting ridiculous!  R on the other hand is cracking on!

Splendid sky from the front door as I was locking up.  This wasn't particularly late but I think it was one of those evenings for bed with a book.  I have no shame in admitting it to be one of my favourite times!  Somebody recently asked me what I liked most about living in this area and big skies are surely on my list of loves.  I mean this is just a front door lean view!

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