
Saturday 28 March 2009

Folksy : Painters

I've spotted a few more painters on Folksy recently and thought I'd bring them to your attention!

First up David Pennington of PeningtonART special
ises in pet portraits and, having had a bash at these myself can appreciate just how good these are:

Further paintings and commission information can be found on David's website.

I've really enjoyed seeing the progress updates of Fleshie's latest paintings on her blog. Anna Shirron's striking, large scale paisley patterned paintings are stunning and more of her work can be found on her website.On a personal painting note, I bought a new tiny little sketch book to take to Florence and soon there will be paintings to show you!

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Made to Order

Over the last few weeks I've made a few jewellery items on request (look at me avoiding the big, long, far too professional sounding word 'commission'!) and thought I'd share them with you.

Top left is a purple rose watch promised to a friend (she threatens me every time I call her my Auntie ;) )

Top right a pair of short aqua dangle earrings bought for a Mother's Day gift

The lower picture shows lengths of a long (150cm) necklace made for R's Mum, who liked the colour of the beads on the memory wire bracelet in my folksy shop and asked for a necklace in similar tones.

I was pleased with these pieces and am working on a number of others which are to remain a secret for now. . .

Friday 20 March 2009

Hello Facebook!

Hello to you all on Facebook!

Thanks to this handy tutorial I've imported my blog into my private profile and my Laura Cameron artist's page so you can all see when I update the blog.


It is a beautiful day, the daffodils are gorgeous, the Edial crows are on the search for twigs, the washing is out on the line and there are mini greenhouses on nearly all the windowsills, I love spring!

Sunday 8 March 2009

Through a Glass, Darkly

I've been reflecting a lot on what it is I do, how to describe myself as an artist, my work. It's been nearly six years since my graduate exhibition and as I found myself somewhat squashed into having a proper job, it is only now that I've been able to go back to the ideas that were, let's face it, only starting at the School of Art.

In the time since graduating I've completed an MA, worked for a high street photographic retailer, a logistics company, trained to be an English, Drama and Media Studies teacher, been (and still am) an English, Drama and Media Studies teacher, embarked upon the wonderful world of digital photography, learned a variety of jewellery making techniques and here I am still seeing the world through blurry frames. This isn't because I've had to get glasses in the last few years but I'm still struck by the idea of glimpses, what we see and experience are but glimpses. My final project at Aberystwyth was very much focused on this idea, the glimpses of an outsider visiting Taiwan for the first time and below is a very badly scanned collage of some of my original prints from the exhibition.

I'll have to try and find the catalogue and scan my page for here. I was thinking about these images the other day and was struck by the comparison with my current interest in ttv and how even the paintings I'm working on are bordered and blurred at the edges in an attempt to emphasise the sense of the image being a part, yet again the idea of the glimpse. I like the idea of every sight being new, an exploration, however slight, and these images remind me of seeing "through a glass, darkly" (1 Cor 13) developing new insights and understanding with every sight and experience. Anyone else read and Jostein Gaarder? Time for another read I think.

Friday 6 March 2009

Pigeon Hysteria

On Wednesday I started having pangs of wisdom tooth progression, I cheered it on gleefully, go on tooth, you can do it you can fully emerge into my mouth rather than my head and then stop hurting, go on, go on, go on! This has been going for years and my desire for this bloomin' tooth to finally bloom has turned to despair, dismay and, quite possibly, delirium. The lovely dentist lady explained what was happening and if this horrendous pain happens for a third time they will remove the upper wisdom tooth opposite the struggling lower one. When she told me this my first thought was, there's nothing wrong with that one, get rid of the one making me crazy! But her explanation seemed to make sense, risks of removing lower wisdom teeth, cheek chewing prevention and so on. It's now Friday and I didn't sleep at all on Wednesday night and got about two hours last night, so what have I been doing to while away the hours and distract my mind from the doom . . .

Can't concentrate on reading and don't want to spoil my book with the smell of clove oil and my whimpering, can't potter in the studio as I have had several visions involving long nose pliers helping the tooth along a bit so I've been looking through some pictures and have created the image below and played out several conversations between the men and, indeed the pigeons, then there was some overlapping and the whole narrative went a little awry so I will just share the picture and leave it at that!

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Ashes of Roses

Ashes of Roses, one of my favourite charm bracelets, inspired by Ada Monroe in Charles Frazier's novel 'Cold Mountain', has sold!

"The dress the figure wore was the color called ashes of roses . . . Ada realized that it was herself she was admiring, the mirror having caught the reflection of an opposite mirror on the wall behind her. The light of the lamps and the tint of the mirrors had conspired to shift colors, bleaching mauve to rose."

Fabulous book!

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