
Sunday 18 April 2010

Move Day Approaches

We are moving house on Friday, contracts have been exchanged so it can't go wrong this time, right?

It's a strange time, lots of goodbyes to lovely people and the place that has been home for a while but we're taking the good bits with us in memories, photographs and good friends who we will see again soon. In August to be precise!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Thank You from Cancer Research UK

click letter to read larger

A massive thank you to all the
Folksy sellers who donated items and all the customers who bought them! Our first donation has been for £160 and since then we've already sold more!

Let's keep going and one day there might be fewer hearts breaking because of cancer.

Thank you xo

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Tickling the English by Dara O'Briain


As someone who has also left the country with a 48 pack box of Tayto cheese and onion, not to mention a large amount of Club Orange and who now lives in England (although not for long as house selling shenanigans seem to be finally coming to a conclusion!) this intrigued and made me laugh in equal measures.

Thanks you to my dearest brother who gave me this as a gift, it's ace and I'll lend it to you next time I'm home or you visit!

Sunday 11 April 2010

Flickr Gallery - "Farm" Jewellery

Perusing the interweb, as you do when you are waiting on the removal man who forgot to show up, I came across this cool collection of mini design boards for 2010 Spring Summer Jewellery trends on COSMOWORLDS. So I decided to have a go with flickr's new Gallery feature on my new jewellery specific flickr account and created a "Farm" inspired gallery. The "Farm" trend is described as:

"Bucolic freshness and charm – for the pretty young woman with a taste for retro, who loves the countryside and wild flowers."

by The Family Jewels

Check it out and let me know what you think!

As for the removal man, he had an emergency and forgot us, poor man was very embarrassed and is calling round later!

Blue Bracelet and Clay Beads

Lovely blues on this charm bracelet which was sent to Northern Ireland for a lovely lady's birthday along with matching nail polish, just in case she's getting bored of always getting jewellery from me! The two gorgeous floral beads are from a stash I'd collected during my GCSE Art, finally being put to use! Today is said lovely lady's daughter's third birthday and she received some fabric paints and glitter paints now that she is over frightening age warnings on product labels that I felt I couldn't ignore! Can't wait to see what she creates!

I've had a go at making some clay beads and yesterday gave them a coat of white acrylic paint. They are not perfectly shaped and I quite like that! These big chunky ones are going to have something painted on them but I'm not sure what yet, perhaps some polka dots, perhaps a floral design, perhaps I'll mess them up and they'll end up just block coloured, brightly, as if I meant it. . .

I'm enjoying using up some of my collections of beads and wire and can hardly wait to get moved, get some tools and to start on my new designs. I've been trying to source UK suppliers of recycled metals to make my jewellery as ethical as I can, if anybody has any recommendations I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Friday 9 April 2010

Sunshine, Daffodils and Hot Air Balloons

Hello! Hope you are all having a good week. I must admit I cheated on my Happy Easter post as the photo was from last year, so here are this year's daffodils! I'm going to miss our shower and loo with a view when we move! Note the positive, confident
when rather than if!

It has been a quiet week, a bit of tutoring, online tweaking and general tinkering. With the glorious sunshine and warmth of the last few days I've enjoyed just sitting in the garden and wee danders up the road, being gentle with myself as I've been a bit tense recently.

Some good things:

Yesterday evening we saw this hot air balloon out the back window.

Last week I went to the Church where my friend and old teaching colleague was doing her training placement and came over all emotional seeing her delivering the sermon. Well done Mrs B!

I went back to the same Church on Easter Sunday and received an unexpected chocolate egg with my communion!

My lovely sister sent us a big box of chocolate, no I'm sorry I'll have to scrap the alliteration, it was a huge box of chocolate!

We went for a run for the first time in ages.

Things are growing in the garden.

After being left less than impressed by various things I sacked my dentist! Well, I cancelled my next appointment, de-registered from the practice and registered with a new one.

And so to the weekend, have a good one!

Friday 2 April 2010

Good Friday

Take a moment to reflect:

Isaiah 53:5 (New International Version)

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

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