
Monday 31 May 2010

Sea Glass and Pottery Jewellery

They're coming to a new website near you soon!

Simple pendants are being photographed ready to go, more complex designs are being perfected!

Sunday 30 May 2010

The Opposite of Fate by Amy Tan

We joined the Library when we moved and on the first visit I came away with a good selection to read including Amy Tan's The Opposite of Fate. In hardback. For 50p.

I know, I know, libraries are supposed to allow you to enjoy reading without spending money or adding to the boxes of books which are still waiting for their new shelves to be built but it was 50p! And hardback!

A fascinating collection of writing it is too with articles, speeches and musings from Amy Tan reflecting on her life so far.

Thursday 27 May 2010


This week has, again, been all about the website and, finally, I do feel like I'm getting somewhere with it. Whilst living in the computer I have ordered tools and soldering bits and bobs so I can crack on with developing my new jewellery designs, there will be pictures soon, unless I break everything with my new hammer when it arrives!

I was hoping to show you some of the simply pretty sea glass and pottery pendants I've made, however, the chains I ordered were not up to standard so I've returned them and am waiting on a set from a different supplier. No chains means no photos yet but soon, that's all you've heard from me lately, soon, soon, soon! I promise, I mean it this time! They are gold plated, a change for me as I usually wear and make silver pieces, but I am really rather taken with these.

So, in lieu of new work photographs this is the view over the garden this evening and what I have been looking out on when I lean back in my chair before diving back into the world of website. Just a snapshotto but I like it! For now I'm going downstairs to sit in front of the fire and eat cake; made it yesterday and even though Delia doesn't support buttercream I quite frankly do and jam and coconut, yes it was one of those cakes.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Down by the River

This week has felt like I'm really back at work, even though I've been doing bits of website here, painting and making there, most of the first few weeks have been more about sorting the house out. Now we just have a few things left to do and so the space feels a bit more finished and my mind is more able to turn to work.

My website is nearly ready for launch and will be live for your perusal early June, yesterday was a bit of a battle with transferring domain names which I'm still waiting to see if success is mine or not!

I've collected more sea glass and pottery, added to my colour co-ordinated, super organised pots of joy and made 25 pendants which will be included for sale on the website.

After somebody kindly thought of me and passed on the details of an Arts event happening in Berwick in August I am now signed up to run a jewellery making workshop, demonstrate and display my work. The event is being held at the Palace Green Pavilion with a view of raising money for its upkeep and restoration and to raise the local community and visitor's awareness both of local Arts and of the potential use of the Pavilion for community events. It sounds like a fantastic week and I'm really looking forward to being involved. This weekend I'm going to check out a local craft fair to see whether to see about getting a table next month and I think more exploring is in order as a reward for working hard!

Before tea one day last week we dandered up to the main road . . .

and down to the river which surprised us with herons, a deer, small green beetles and a sheer cliff the length of the opposite bank until the next river bend, stunning!

There will be more photos soon - my battery is charging!

Have a good weekend everybody!

Thursday 20 May 2010


June Stems, oil and acrylic on canvas

I am currently wading through the head soup of creating my first website and that is exactly what it looks like at the moment: my first website, circa 1996. It is starting to make more sense and I have finally got to the point where I can put pictures up and this is the first painting going in the gallery. Inspired by the work of, and with kind permission from, Kitsmumma I love the way the summer haze combines with the texture of thick oil paint applied with palette knives. Yesterday I started a new piece and it feels good to be painting again, although I might have to return to water mixable oils as I stank the house out with turps, oops.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende

From the blurb:

Spanning four generations, Isabel Allende's magnificent family saga is populated by a memorable, often eccentric cast of characters. Together, men and women, spirits, the forces of nature, and of history, converge in an unforgettable, wholly absorbing and brilliantly realised novel that is as richly entertaining as it is a masterpiece of modern literature.

Tuesday 18 May 2010


We are getting to know our new home and enjoying sorting and pottering. R is particularly enjoying his shed . . .

My growing collection of sea glass and sea pottery has been cleaned and sorted ready to use and I've even tarted up the pots I've been storing it in so they look less like the fruit pots they really are! God bless Aldi and R's Dad for giving them to me and R for having lots of little pots of paint in pretty colours! We found a fab work table for not very much money and even scored an old tatty picnic table through freecycle which will, hopefully, be restored to useable condition.

Meanwhile work continues on my website, I wait for bits and pieces to arrive in the post and tutoring applications are sorted for sending off while time seems to be speeding by. We've been here three weeks already!

Friday 14 May 2010

When Will There Be Good News? by Kate Atkinson

I borrowed this from R's Mum when we stayed with them for the weekend between moving out and moving in. You'd think I'd have learnt about borrowing books from Mums - yes there was rudeness! Ha! Enjoyed this very much.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Coldingham Bay

Coldingham Bay on Sunday afternoon.

It was a lovely sunny day and although I was warm enough to unzip my fleece I did exchange glances with R when a couple in short shorts and vests strolled by, it wasn't that warm and if to confirm that; it snowed the day after!

Another day of house organising, putting up curtain poles and shelves and trying to sort out my work stuff ready for new shelves and, when I finally find one, a work table. Feeling a bit tired this afternoon so I'm going to paint some big, empty fruit pots to use for storing sea glass, pottery and stones. Can you see where my jewellery is heading?

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

Mere Christianity is an adaptation of a series of radio talks given by C. S. Lewis made between 1941 and 1944 aiming to explain the fundamental teachings of Christianity.

Sunday 9 May 2010

We've Finally Moved!

On Friday 23rd April we left May Cottage, travelled north and made it to R's parents' in just five and a half hours. The fabulous guys from ACE Removals did a brilliant job for us and we are so grateful for their help, they are based in Cannock and come highly recommended!

We spent the weekend in slight impatience waiting until Monday when we got the key to our new home, excitement!
After month after month of waiting we are finally here and I love it! The house, the area, the proximity to the sea, love it!

We got back online at the end of the week so all shops are open again and I just need to find a new work table and I'll be officially back to work with new designs a-coming!

There are so many things I want to show you, but for now you can see our village and the local area, have I mentioned I love it?

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