
Tuesday 29 November 2011

First Frost and Fluffy Trousers

Day 109 brought the first frost that I've seen so far this season.  I'm sure there has been some earlier while I was fast asleep and dreaming but this was the first I've been up and out in it.

With the crisp air and low winter sun it was a lovely morning for Molly's first exploration of the garden.  Under all that fluff she is quite slight and it really looks like she's donned a pair of furry trousers suitable for frosty striding.

Twenty minutes or so of sniffing and leaping out in the cold world brought Molly back inside for a lounge on the sunny windowsill.  Such a contented little cat who is clearly used to living in a home and made our job of helping her settle in very easy indeed.  It is so lovely having a wee beast around the house!

Meet Fluffy

On day 106 R and I went over to B.A.R.K to have a look at some cats.  We met the lady on duty who showed us up and down the kennels and we had the awful feeling of turning down lots of animals.  Two little kittens came and played with us and we were just deciding which to have when we were told they had to be rehomed together so we had another walk up and down and went outside to see a cat called Muffy.  A friendly, purring fluffball who had a good curious poke through the fence to see who we were.

We left the kennels to have a think and do the shopping and called in again on the way home to say we would visit again the following week and that we liked Muffy.  Then, after a chorus of 'Muffy's lovely, have Muffy' we went home.

With Muffy.
Day 106 A cat once called Muffy.

Day 107 and the name debate continues; Daisy was a contender, 'cept I kept calling her Daisy Renton and, if you've read 'An Inspector Calls', you'll understand why we changed our minds.

Day 108 and the little raggy doll of a cat has settled in splendidly, adopted all cushions as her own and is now called . . .


Thursday 17 November 2011

Jewellery and a Big Damn Band

Day 104 and the only photo I took was a badly underexposed shot of a wire wrapped pendant; I had a fiddle with some digital textures to make it look vaguley more presentable.  This necklace is now available at Chirnside Gallery along with a new selection which I left in today.

Day 105 took us down to Newcastle to see Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band; This shot is technically the day after as I took the shot of our stamped hands when we got in!  My first time to the Toon and what an introduction.  There was bucket thumping, wide eyed staring, guitar magic, washboard playing, nose scrunching, teeth baring, beard shaking, floor stamping and it looked a bit like this . . . 

Tuesday 8 November 2011


Day 103 - photographs taken from the side of the road on the way home from nipping out to get milk.  We ended up taking about three hours as we drove over to take some pictures of a great clump of trees in autumnal hues.  Sadly the sun just dipped too low to recreate the splendour we'd seen a few days previously but R is ruminating on Autumnal paintings.  Hard not to with all this colour abounding.  I'm sure last year we didn't get to see such a show with the wind and rain banishing Autumn into a few days before the snow tucked the land up in winter.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Berwick, Boat and Baking

Good evening!

I'm leaping ahead a little with project 30 leaving out the days over the long weekend down in the midlands for the second wedding we were photographing; another beautiful couple and I will show you soon.  In the midst of processing two lots of wedding photographs there have been a few adventures.

Day 97 was clear and bright and we went down to the docks for the lifting of R's Dad's boat for winter.  It's always somewhat nerve jangling watching a boat dangling mid air, but everything went well.  That is until the crane lorry got stuck in the mud in the field after unloading the boat.  If you are going to get a heavy vehicle stuck in the mud the Honey Farm isn't the worst place for it to happen; there were soon various heavy duty vintage vehicles heaving (and at one point pushing!) the lorry but to no avail.  A farmer with a huge-mongous tractor saved the day in the end and R's Dad is happy for winter to begin now the boat is in and safe.

The surface of the water in the docks was really glassy and we may have spent a few minutes kicking stones in to make ripple patterns to photograph and they may be played with and posted later.

 Day 98 was the day of fancying some Swiss Roll, however, due to complete lack of rolling finesse on my part we ended up with Swiss Fold.  Giant Swiss Fold.

Day 100 seems to be a landmark number in this series and what do we have but a much better Swiss Roll - note the graceful rolls rather than folds.  So I concede R is the King of Swiss Rolls in this house!  I came home from an evening with friends and R greeted me with this splendid creation and it was the only option for photo of the day!  Jo Simpson who hosted our get together is exhibiting her "Living the Dream and The Pearl of Great Price" multimedia and textiles work at The Borders Textile Towerhouse, Hawick until 27th November.  Hopefully I'll be able to visit and bring you some photographs but for now I'm going to toast my toes in front of the fire with R and the newest addition to our family!

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