
Friday 20 July 2012

New Jewellery: Recycled Ring

Good evening!

Since coming back from honeymoon it has been tough to get time at the bench for all sorts of reasons but today I was free to crack on and it felt great!

I've had designs brewing for a good while now, echoing shapes of seaweed pods and strands.  These first came to me when I was melting copper just to see what happened and on our trip around the Scottish coast I saw lots of seaweed and it all sparked off in my mind again.  I even got the chance to introduce my beloved to childhood seaweed games my siblings and I inflicted on each other; mainly tangling seaweed around the legs of whoever you are paddling with!

So, back to today and the first image of the pod range.  It's not actually called that yet, ideas are still formulating and a rather interesting chain is half done, but for now a little stacker ring.  It is made using recycled sterling silver and copper.  Even the solder is recycled which pleases me greatly. This little one is ready for a tumble and final polish to bring out the sparkle in the hammered surface. 

Both time for my own work and the sunshine have been seriously lacking these last few weeks and it is great to have them back.

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